A picture of the city of madrid at night.

The 13th Global Communication Association International Conference

Populism, Media, Politics, and Immigration in a Globalized World

The Global Communication Association invites you to submit your abstracts for the 13th international convention to be held in Madrid, Spain, on May 17-20, 2018.

The GCA invites research papers exploring any aspect of issues related to global communication including, but not limited, to the following broad topics:

Issues related to the convention theme of Populism, Media, Politics, and Immigration in a Globalized Word

  • Global media and communication methodologies, theories, and perspectives
  • Global media and their impacts on public opinion
  • he changing nature of presidential elections and public demands
  • Issues related to policy makers, corporate executives, representatives from NGO’s, and media professionals
  • New communication technologies, the Internet, and social media
  • World population, environment, and intercultural communication

Conference Location

The conference will take place in the conference center of the Rey Juan Carlos University (https://www.urjc.es/en/) in Madrid, Spain. ​

Click here for more details!

Click here for complete conference schedule!

A picture of some people in the street.